The project included the wholesale removal and replacement of all the sidewalks of the Bloor-Yorkville Business Improvement Association between University and Church Street in Toronto. Considered to be the premier shopping district in Toronto – the new design of the sidewalk (boulevard) would be done in large slabs of granite and have flower planters.
The actual challenge however invisible to the eye is the infrastructure installed to promote the growth and well-being of 174 London Planes trees. Each tree required approximately one thousand cubic feet of uncompacted soil to flourish. Complete excavation and orchestration of City, Public and private utilities from within the sidewalk and the re-grading and transformation of Bloor Street itself were significant aspects of this project.
The particular design details of the project were aimed to facilitate dismantling by contractors whom may not be familiar with its features necessitating such particulars as aligning structural soil cell spacing with structural slab control joints and the seams in the coursing of the granite. The design needed to be self-explanatory to the contractors of the future. The real test is to see how it holds up 70 years from now.